Listings for

  Delaware County Indiana including the City of Muncie, Indiana

Updated 1-13


This listing of Public Boards, Commissions and Appointments is designed in two parts.  Side A is a public page where users can view current information about Board Descriptions and the makeup of each including terms of office, appointing authority along with other basic information. These pages can be hosted under your current account or redirected to our secured servers.  Side B, seen above, is the management side where you have full access to modify the records, print reports and track other data not included in public information pages. The software is still in Beta Testing so we welcome any comments.

 These pages and all data are hosted in secured offsite facilities*.       Contact Us

 A few suggestions before you start.

You can Add to or Modify Membership, Appointments and Appointing Authorities by using the links above.  You can always return to the Home Screen by clicking on the top image of a page.  You should use the Maintain Boards link to Add or Modify Board or Appointing Authority information.   If you have problems or suggestions use the link for Trouble Tag.  There are several videos available to walk you through the operation of searching, editing and printing reports.  The system allows you to search and filter by a wide variety of variables.  The current data set is limited to a sample of Government entities and does not constitute the entire record.  If you know of listings that should be included or corrections please use this link to send us the information.

Mike White



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®TRACKER is a registered trademark of mwmie.  All material copyright 2013

*The current Version is Beta 2.3    Data collection is handled through a series of Web Pages hosted on the independent web servers maintained by mwmie.  Client information is stored on web servers hosted by Google™, backups are routed to secured storage hosted by Amazon™.   This represents the first major Tracker® Software up date since Tracker IV was released in 1994.  This product is a cloud only based distribution.